Custom Roulette Tables

Roulette Tables

A wide range of roulette tables for sale designed and manufactured in the UK. Our roulette tables are built to order and can be made to any specification. Fun casino tables are much easier to breakdown and transport and we try as much as we can to make tables that can be set up without tools.

All tables have a good quality contract padded vinyl on the armrest and they all come with a custom printed casino quality cloth from world renowned Martin Williams Casino Cloth. Legs are commonly finished in mahogany lacquered veneer but depending on budget they can be made from solid sapele mahogany.

Many options and variatons available. Build your own unique roulette table with a choice of shapes, sizes, LED lighting, armrest material and custom printed layouts.

  • Standard 8ft x 4ft fun casino knockdown roulette table with professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1042
  • Standard 8ft x 4ft fun casino knockdown roulette table with roulette wheel platform, professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1150
  • Standard 9ft x 5ft fun casino knockdown roulette table with professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1102
  • Standard 9ft x 5ft fun casino knockdown roulette table with roulette wheel platform, professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1208
  • Standard casino spec. 8ft x 4ft roulette table with roulette wheel platform, wheel surround, professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1448
  • Standard casino spec. 9ft x 5ft roulette table with roulette wheel platform, wheel surround, professional layout an black contract vinyl padded armrest: £1768
  • Deluxe 9ft x 5ft roulette table with roulette wheel platform, wheel surround, veneered chiprack, professional layout and black contract vinyl padded armrest: £2031
  • Custom 9ft x 5ft roulette tables with roulette wheel platform, professional layout, choice padded armrest materials, custom printed layouts, chiprack materials and legs: from £2804

Call 01992 534448 or email the sales team.

Roulette Gallery

All roulette tables are made to order, lead times are four to six weeks.
Please order early to avoid disappointment. All prices are plus VAT.

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